Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bath Tub Worm Farm.

Had an old cast iron bathtub laying around from a while ago. A mate of mine didn't want it so I said I would have it to turn into a worm farm. That was 2 yrs ago. Finally, got around to setting it up as a worm farm. Damn heavy thing it is but eventually got it to where I wanted it and have used 4 pine logs to rest it on, which came from the neighbours tree over a year ago. The old worm farms have been kept, but the entire contents bar a shovel load, have been put into the bathtub along with chicken house straw and a bag of horse poo from down the road. The straw and horse poo got a big soaking first and then dumped into the tub. The straw will help airate the farm and the horse poo will ensure the worms keep on keeping on! I have also put in a devider so after about 1-2mths, I will start putting scraps into the other half of the tub and the worms will hopefully migrate to that side and I can then harvest the castings! The old worm farms will still be used but will need to build the colonies back up. Also, the worm juice from the bath tub is collected in a bucket. I think I will need a much bigger bucket, but it will do for now so long as I empty every few days or so. The plants will be loving it this year! Plenty of worm juice and soon, plenty of castings!

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